YOU ARE HERE is a manifestation of the unquantifiable space between the past and future - and the ephemera that slips through it. We live in the zone that lies between the two, somewhere within the present - the only thing which is truly real.
YOU ARE HERE. It's an affirmation. The more we focus on time - past and future - the more we are eluded by the Now, the most precious entity there is.
AW21 is a reaction to how we feel right now. Focused. Angry. Engaged with a visceral instinct to explore our process. Our perception of what we create is in constant flux and evolution. The new collection has been a healing, a catharsis, emerging from our many years in recovery. From addiction. From sensory and emotional overload. From life.
Instinctively we embrace and hold close everything we cherish. We concentrate on our direction, with a focus on what we need that is at once both selfish and selfless. Just for today.
We didn't feel any desire to use bright colours. This wasn't our moment to shine through our clothes but for our clothes to serve us and our needs. Instead, we found a different kind of expression through black and muted colours. Our floral prints faded and almost disappeared on us. We had more time to go back to our passions, the construction of a garment.
We have studied all our suit jackets and coats and found different ways to build them. Our silhouette is diminished as we hold on to what is dearest to us and carry it forwards. Tone is attenuated.
Colour is surplus to requirements.
Creation has become catharsis as we reconstruct our heritage. We long for our families and homes and the things that tie us there. Luca felt moved to reference his home - Tyrol - using cut out details on jacket pockets inspired by his dad's best traditional Sunday suit, which also informed the inspiration for buttons, shirts and trousers. Warped knitwear in repurposed cashmere wrapped in loosely bound stripes.
The childhood legend of the Golden Deer.
He missed his home, worried for his family and couldn't travel back to see them.
We don't live in the past anymore and we don't know the shape of the future that lies before us. This collection is not about loss and it is not about hope. It is about now.